Rethinking Additive Manufacturing
– and make it big.

We are passionate, creative and specialists in our field.

At Q.BIG 3D, we are specialized in the development of economical 3D printers for the production of large 3D printed components. Our team passionate about additive manufacturing that is what unites us.

With a shared vision and the goal to make 3D printing economically viable, Katja and Dennis Herrmann founded Q.BIG 3D GmbH in 2019. The company has won numerous awards for its technology, most recently the Innovation Award of the Ostwürttemberg economic region in November 2021.

Special features of the VFGF process developed by Q.BIG 3D and also used in the Queen 1 industrial printer are the algorithm-based variability of the 3D printing nozzle for efficient material use and the use of cost-effective raw materials.


An excerpt of our customers


We are Q.BIG 3D
Your 3D printing specialists.

  • Siegfried Knüpfer Managing Director
  • Dennis Herrmann Managing Director
  • Katja Herrmann Founder, Finance and HR
  • Mario Kordt COO and member of the management
  • Oliver Friz sales Manager
  • Johannes Maas Controlling und IT
  • Alexandra Nobis-Hoyer Assistent Sales and Admin
  • Max Adler Application engineer
  • Vatsal Kapadia Application engineer
  • Helmut Pauser Application engineer
  • Dietmar Riedel Senior Advisor Aerospace and Defense
  • Dennis Gabeli Development engineer
  • Christof Plischka Production and service
  • Simon Schaffrin Development engineer
  • Juri Schorich Development engineer
  • Gabriel Moser Development engineer



Q.BIG 3D brings innovation.
Manz AG the production capacity.

A strong partnership for big ideas.

Unsere Partnerschaft mit der Manz AG ermöglicht die Serienproduktion des XXXL-3D-Druckers QUEEN 1 auf höchstem Qualitätsniveau und ergänzt das Verfahrens-Know-How von Q.BIG 3D um fortschrittliche Maschinenbautechnologien sowie den Zugang zu einem weltweiten

Our partnership with Manz AG enables series production of the QUEEN 1 XXXL 3D printer at the highest quality level and complements Q.BIG 3D’s process know-how with advanced mechanical engineering technologies and access to a global service network.

Manz AG, headquartered in Reutlingen, Germany, is a globally recognized manufacturer of integrated production systems. With currently around 1,400 employees, the Manz Group develops and produces solutions in Europe and Asia ranging from customer-specific individual machines and standard modules to turnkey production lines – focusing on the automotive industry and electromobility, battery manufacturing, electronics and energy, and medical technology.

Your contact person

Alexandra Nobis-Hoyer
Assistent Sales and Admin
